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Practical Antenna Handbook
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From the Back Cover
“The Antenna Builder’s Bible” – Revised, Updated, and Better Than Ever! The most popular book on antennas ever written and unquestionably the world’s favorite antenna book, Joseph J. Carr’s Practical Antenna Handbook, Fourth Edition is a treasure for anyone with an interest in antennas, from the newest of novices to the most experienced engineer. This empowering book gives you all kinds of projects -- and it provides you with material that explains exactly why your creations were a success. But most importantly, it prepares you to design and construct your own antennas “for the cases” Carr modestly suggests “that the author thoughtlessly failed to cover.” This fourth edition blends, in Joseph J. Carr’s words, “the theoretical concepts that the engineers and others need to design practical antennas, and the hard-learned practical lessons derived from actually building and using antennas --real antennas, and the hard-earned practical lessons derived from actually building and using antennas -- real antennas made of real metal -- not merely theoretical constructs on a blackboard.” Add it to your library and it will no doubt assume a favorite spot inside your toolbox, dog-eared and annotated with your personal notes . . . obviously used and enjoyed to the fullest extent. New! Added Material on: *Small transmitting antennas *Receiving loop antennas *Antenna modeling software -- including material on EZNEC for Windows 3.0 Covers a Wide Variety of Antennas: *High-frequency dipole *Vertically polarized HF *Multiband and tunable wire *Hidden and limited space *Directional phased vertical and directional beam VHF/UHF transmitting and receiving *Shortwave reception *Microwave *Mobile, marine, and emergency *And much more Great For: *Radio and electronics technicians *Amateur radio operators *Citizen banders *Shortwave listeners (SWL) *Monitoring hobbyists *Radio enthusiasts and professionals of all types
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About the Author
Joe Carr (Falls Church, VA) is a retired military electronics technician and a popular electronics author. He is the author of McGraw-Hill's Secrets of RF Design, 2e and writes a monthly column for Nuts & Volts magazine.
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Product details
Series: TAB Mastering Electronics Series
Paperback: 608 pages
Publisher: McGraw-Hill/TAB Electronics; 4 edition (May 23, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0071374353
ISBN-13: 978-0071374354
Product Dimensions:
7.4 x 1.1 x 9.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 2.8 pounds
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
21 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,477,134 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Been a "ham" for many years.....enjoy the hobby, but I'm not a "guru", by any means. This book is the best I have had for reference on antennas, and grounding systems....very well written, and I can follow it gives excellent suggestions, and has ideas that I have never before read about...such as how to install 8-foot ground rods in a hard-soiled area, using a copper tube with a garden hose. Amazing I never thought of's definitely one book I continually refer to when needed over all the others I have on my shelf. It stays on the bench next to my Yaesu. Well worth the money.
Antenna books follow either the practical approach (e.g. Carr's Practical Antenna Handbook) or the mathematical approach (e.g. Kraus's Antennas). To be a true antenna expert, one needs to know both. But for those of us who are not equipped to handle the mathematical approach, the practical approach will do just fine, in which case I would recommend Carr's Practical Antenna Book and ARRL's Antenna Book. Here are some differences between the two:1. Carr is more readable.2. ARRL is more comprehensive, with 2.5 times the number of words as Carr.3. ARRL has more photographs and better looking sketches.3. ARRL has a multi-author approach (with technical checks and balances) as opposed to Carr's one-man approach. Carr contains few bibliographical references, whereas ARRL has tons of references for further reading.My opinion: Carr is better for the beginner, but ARRL is better for details and as a reference book. Better yet, get both books, since they serve complementary purposes.
Carr's book is a classic. I don't understand why libraries retire books--you can't go to any local library and find books on vintage electronics any more. But I am even more disappointed that a library would get rid of this book. After all, radio is still around--isn't it? An antenna book may be of little consequence to the urbanite. But if you live in the country as I do, your choice of radio stations is very limited unless you know how to erect a proper outdoor antenna. The library's loss is my gain. And it's awesome that I can buy a used book like this on Amazon. My thanks to Amazon and to the seller. You are improving the curation rate of our society!
This is really a good reference book. I borrowed one from a friend and just had to buy my own. If you are a Ham you need this book.
He gets really deep in some parts of the book and then in the antenna examples he doesn't get deep enough. He just kind of breezes over them and give very few examples of the necessary calculations. For a basics book it is okay.
Very good information. Extremely mathematical and very technical.
A great book not only on the theory but on the practical aspects of building working antennas!
Everything you will ever need to know and more about ham radio antenna's. great detail!
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